Category: Latest News

City of Sun

Just 2 months ago Marni and I arrived in Port au Prince. This time it was with one way tickets. This is both literal and figurative. It is not that we won’t be going back to the United States, in fact some voyages are already planned, but we now live in Haiti. We don’t have …

12 Janvier

This is one of those dates that reminds me of where I was at 4:53pm on this same afternoon in 2010.  People in America and around the world remember with clarity where we were on the morning of 9-11-2001 when 2996 people lost their lives.  Today the Haitians remember every terrifying detail of this same …

Bon Bagay at HAH

Bon Bagay means “Good Stuff” in Kreyol.  If you say it a few times it becomes addicting.  It is a fitting title for this week’s events. Team Sinai returned for their 7th trip to Hôpital Adventiste d’Haiti.  This is a group led by John Herzenberg MD one of the most respected limb deformity surgeons in …

HAH Enters the Digital Age!

As I deplaned at MIA this morning, we were immediately directed towards an escalator leading to the Skytrain.  I stepped on to the elevator and the young man about 25 years old right in front of me fell down and dogpiled with the man next to him on top of my bag as I tried …

Total Joint Program Launched at HAH!

For me it was a historic day.  Seeing people day after day here who are in pain, who have severe deformities, who are disabled, motivates me to work hard and continually try to improve. Malades (malade = patient in French) come to HAH with all types of orthopedic problems.  Some of the most difficult to …

What’s Happening at HAH?

I would like to give you a brief update on what is going on at Hôpital Adventiste d’Haiti (HAH).  Because of your support and generosity, we are on schedule to accomplish unprecedented goals this year.  There are dedicated people from Haiti and the United States working at HAH, creating an exciting synergy that is unique …

Big Day In The OR/Day 6

The first case of the day was a left tibial plateau fracture sustained in a motorcycle accident a few days ago.    After touring the orthopedic ward at the University Hospital downtown yesterday we are once again reminded that trauma, particularly the musculoskeletal variety, remains a neglected epidemic in developing countries like Haiti causing more than five million deaths …

Day Of Rest/Day 5

Since Hopital Adventiste is a Seventh-day Adventist sponsored facility, no elective surgery is performed on the 7th day Sabbath.  Obviously, this mandate is set aside when it comes to emergent cases that present to the trauma bay.  Around midnight this morning we were awakened by the Chief of Surgery, Dr Alex Coutsoumpus, who informed us that …

Taylor Spatial Frames/Day 4

We spent time sorting through and organizing gear in the new orthopedic equipment room.  Again, we were expecting to have a much bigger task in front of us but Elaine Lewis and JJ had performed wonders prior to our arrival so all that was left was taking care of a few small details. We performed …

New Team Members/Day 3

We performed several small surgeries today including a bilateral 8-plate application for pediatric lower extremity angular deformities, a Girdlestone procedure (femoral head resection) in a paralytic patient, debridement of chronic tibial osteomyelitis and removal of a tibial external fixator with debridement of infected pin tract sites.  We also slogged through another clinic which is always …