Dominik Rog’s Trip To Africa
It is well known that this website is dedicated primarily to the latest news as it relates to Hopital Adventiste d’Haiti (HAH). However from time to time we will feature articles dealing with volunteer experiences outside of Haiti. Dominik Rog is entering his senior year of orthopedic surgery residency at Loma Linda University and has been …

Thank-you To Our Nepali Friends
The tenth installment of the May, 2015 Loma Linda University Health Orthopedic Team visit to Nepal. All of our team members made it safely back to California several days ago, in fact Elaine Lewis is already back to work in Haiti. All in all, it was an amazing trip one that we will long remember. Since …

Tales Of Loss And Survival
Click here to get a brief view of the staggering human toll in Nepal, and just like many of the souls in Haiti after their earthquake tragedy, you will get a glimpse of the resiliency of those who survived. Scheer Memorial Hospital continues to treat victims of both the April 25 and May 12 earthquakes that crippled …

New Life In The Midst Of Tragedy
The ninth installment of the May, 2015 Loma Linda University Health Orthopedic Team visit to Nepal was written by surgical technician Elaine Lewis. In addition to her duties in the operating room, Elaine has many years experience as a midwife back home in California and was able to participate in the birth of two lives shortly …

Namaste Nepal
Part 8 of the May, 2015 Loma Linda University Health Orthopedic Team visit to Nepal. In addition to the April 25 7.8 magnitude quake, the devastated Nepali people were dealt another blow in the form of a 7.3 magnitude trembler on May 12. Please consider donating to Adventist Health International’s Nepal Earthquake Fund as there is still …

Fear On Assignment
Part 7 of the May, 2015 Loma Linda University Health Orthopedic Team visit to Nepal. The following post was written by Andrew Haglund, logisitical supporter for our team. Andrew’s eyewitness account was also posted on CNN’s iReport. (This and subsequent updates from Nepal will be intermittent and delayed due to marginal internet access at SMH). The …

Shakedown In The OR
Part 6 of our May, 2015 Loma Linda University Health Orthopedic Team visit to Nepal. A new earthquake of 7.3-magnitude hit devastated Nepal on May 12, just 17 days after large parts of Nepal were leveled and more than 8,000 had died. The following post was written by Dr Scott Nelson who was operating at …

Settling In At SMH and DH
Part 5 of our May, 2015 Loma Linda University Health Orthopedic Team visit to Nepal. Some readers may find it unusual that we are posting trip reports from Nepal on a website devoted to a project in Haiti. However the precipitating circumstances (major earthquakes) are similar and currently a team that frequents Hopital Adventiste d’Haiti …

Walk through Bhaktapur, Nepal
Part 4 of our May, 2015 Loma Linda University Health Orthopedic Team visit to Nepal. On Saturday evening we had the opportunity to take a walk through Bhaktapur, a town just a few miles from our home base in Banepa. Up until the earthquake 2 weeks ago, Bhaktapur had the best preserved palace courtyards and …

Nepal Orthopedics Day 1
Part 3 of our May, 2015 Loma Linda University Health Orthopedic Team visit to Nepal. Please consider donating to Adventist Health International’s Nepal Earthquake Fund. There were several surgical patients waiting for our team when we showed up for morning report. Although all cases were “quake-related”, at least half occurred in the 1-2 days after …
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