Big Day In The OR/Day 6
The first case of the day was a left tibial plateau fracture sustained in a motorcycle accident a few days ago. After touring the orthopedic ward at the University Hospital downtown yesterday we are once again reminded that trauma, particularly the musculoskeletal variety, remains a neglected epidemic in developing countries like Haiti causing more than five million deaths …

Day Of Rest/Day 5
Since Hopital Adventiste is a Seventh-day Adventist sponsored facility, no elective surgery is performed on the 7th day Sabbath. Obviously, this mandate is set aside when it comes to emergent cases that present to the trauma bay. Around midnight this morning we were awakened by the Chief of Surgery, Dr Alex Coutsoumpus, who informed us that …

Taylor Spatial Frames/Day 4
We spent time sorting through and organizing gear in the new orthopedic equipment room. Again, we were expecting to have a much bigger task in front of us but Elaine Lewis and JJ had performed wonders prior to our arrival so all that was left was taking care of a few small details. We performed …

New Team Members/Day 3
We performed several small surgeries today including a bilateral 8-plate application for pediatric lower extremity angular deformities, a Girdlestone procedure (femoral head resection) in a paralytic patient, debridement of chronic tibial osteomyelitis and removal of a tibial external fixator with debridement of infected pin tract sites. We also slogged through another clinic which is always …

Cinic & First Case/Day 2
Day 2 of the Fall, 2015 Orthopedic Surgical trip from Loma Linda University.

Arrived Safely/Day 1
Due to spotty and slow internet access, reports from our Fall trip will be delayed and sporadic. This has been an exciting trip for us so far and hopefully will be encouraging to the many supporters who read this blog as we witness the incredible progress that has been made to date. Three of us (Scott, …

Clean Hands Save Lives
The following article was written by Merrill Chaus, RN and was originally posted on the Team Sinai Haiti blog. Merrill has visited Haiti on numerous occasions and recently wrote an article titled “Dark Side of Doing Good” for haitibones that is well worth reading if you have an interest in volunteering overseas. On August 2, 2015 …

Haiti Through The Eyes Of A Young Surgeon
Philip McClure recently graduated from the Orthopedic Surgery Residency at Brown University in Rhode Island and will soon be entering a Pediatric Orthopedic Fellowship at the Texas Scottish Rite Hospital in Dallas. Phil has volunteered at Hopital Adventiste d’Haiti on two separate occasions and I am quite certain that they will not have been his last …

Mark Mildren Trip Report
The following post was written by Mark Mildren, MD, a PGY-4 Orthopedic Surgery Resident at Loma Linda University who was part of Dr Scott Nelson’s team that visited Hopital Adventiste d’Haiti earlier this month. Mark is planning on pursuing additional fellowship training in total joint replacement surgery upon graduation. Mark’s sense of humor has assumed legendary status …

Dietrich/Mulder/Gerke Trip Report
The Dietrich/Mulder/Gerke orthopedic/anesthesia team spent April 19 – 24, 2015 at Hopital Adventiste d’Haiti (HAH) and the following is their report. Terry and Jeannie Dietrich have established the Dietrich Haiti Indigent Patient Fund through Amistad International to create an endowment that will sustain itself to facilitate patients who don’t have the means to pay for life-changing surgeries. …
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