Tag: Updates

The lights are on at HAH!

Two new generators were recently delivered to HAH. Given our long struggle with poorly functioning generators and the risks involved with transporting the new units to our facility, we are so thankful to see these new machines safely delivered to our hospital. This was a collaborative effort by our HAH staff, donors, and the men …

two doctors in a room with medications

Haiti Adventist Hospital Navigates Human-made Disaster

During the past several weeks, the challenges have again escalated beyond imagination. On November 11, the fourth prime minister this year in Haiti was sworn into office. That same day, gunfire penetrated a Spirit Airlines plane on its final approach to Port au Prince airport. Fortunately, no one was seriously injured, and the plane was …

Major Renovation Completed at HAH

Six months ago, HAH’s building infrastructure reached a critical turning point. Modifications over the years had affected the natural ventilation of the space, creating dependence on air conditioners that were in a state of disrepair. Patient rooms were stifling hot and humid and smelled of sickness and other bodily odors. Windows were broken, the paint …

two men in hospital scrubs

Surgeons Finish New Training Program at HAH

The Hôpital Adventiste d’Haiti (HAH) Global Orthopedic Surgery Fellowship recently graduated its first two surgeons, Dr. Conor Spady and Dr. Isaac “Zaco” Archelus. The Global Orthopedic Surgery Fellowship at HAH, endorsed by the Office of Graduate Medical Education at Loma Linda University (LLU), provides experience applying modern surgical techniques to a challenging and unusual variety …

Kafou: Past Present and Future

Kafou, pronounced as written, is the Creole spelling of Carrefour. French words always have a bunch of unpronounced letters and the R’s have to come from down in the throat which is not easy if you are not a native French speaker. Haitian Creole has simplified all that. Kafou/Carrefour is the name of the suburb …

Haiti Update

Thank you all for your thoughts, prayers and concerns for our work and for the country of Haiti. Things have been tense over the past several weeks with violence and protests aimed at overthrowing a corrupt government. Police are in a particularly precarious situation as many of them are in agreement with the aims of …

City of Sun

Just 2 months ago Marni and I arrived in Port au Prince. This time it was with one way tickets. This is both literal and figurative. It is not that we won’t be going back to the United States, in fact some voyages are already planned, but we now live in Haiti. We don’t have …

12 Janvier

This is one of those dates that reminds me of where I was at 4:53pm on this same afternoon in 2010.  People in America and around the world remember with clarity where we were on the morning of 9-11-2001 when 2996 people lost their lives.  Today the Haitians remember every terrifying detail of this same …

Bon Bagay at HAH

Bon Bagay means “Good Stuff” in Kreyol.  If you say it a few times it becomes addicting.  It is a fitting title for this week’s events. Team Sinai returned for their 7th trip to Hôpital Adventiste d’Haiti.  This is a group led by John Herzenberg MD one of the most respected limb deformity surgeons in …

HAH Enters the Digital Age!

As I deplaned at MIA this morning, we were immediately directed towards an escalator leading to the Skytrain.  I stepped on to the elevator and the young man about 25 years old right in front of me fell down and dogpiled with the man next to him on top of my bag as I tried …