New Team Members/Day 3
We performed several small surgeries today including a bilateral 8-plate application for pediatric lower extremity angular deformities, a Girdlestone procedure (femoral head resection) in a paralytic patient, debridement of chronic tibial osteomyelitis and removal of a tibial external fixator with debridement of infected pin tract sites. We also slogged through another clinic which is always …

Haiti Through The Eyes Of A Young Surgeon
Philip McClure recently graduated from the Orthopedic Surgery Residency at Brown University in Rhode Island and will soon be entering a Pediatric Orthopedic Fellowship at the Texas Scottish Rite Hospital in Dallas. Phil has volunteered at Hopital Adventiste d’Haiti on two separate occasions and I am quite certain that they will not have been his last …

Mark Mildren Trip Report
The following post was written by Mark Mildren, MD, a PGY-4 Orthopedic Surgery Resident at Loma Linda University who was part of Dr Scott Nelson’s team that visited Hopital Adventiste d’Haiti earlier this month. Mark is planning on pursuing additional fellowship training in total joint replacement surgery upon graduation. Mark’s sense of humor has assumed legendary status …

The Dietrichs
Beginning with a trip to Africa when Terry was a senior medical student, the Dietrichs have compiled an impressive resume of volunteer service. Over the past 40 years Terry and Jeannie have worked in numerous countries including longterm stints in Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic and Haiti. Most volunteers do so at the beginning or end of …

Corey Burke Trip Report
Corey Burke is a 3rd year medical student from Loma Linda University with an interest in pursuing a career as an orthopedic surgeon. He recently returned from spending 2wks volunteering at Hopital Adventiste d’Haiti. When I think about HAH, I see a young girl waiting in the pre-op room smiling at me. She can’t contain …

Culture Shock
Another update from Elaine. Anyone who has spent time volunteering overseas experiences culture shock in one form or another, sooner rather than later. Elaine is a tough lady, sounds like she is handling it well. It’s dark outside as I stumble out of bed way too soon and slip my scrub bottoms on. I make …

Meet Elaine Lewis
The following post was written by Elaine Lewis, a Surgical Tech from southern California who, along with her husband Jeff, have dedicated 6 months of their lives to Hopital Adventiste d’Haiti. All who have met Elaine have been impressed with her tireless work ethic and relentless enthusiasm in the face of adversity. We are all …
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