Red Cross In Haiti
This story was reported by Laura Sullivan on behalf of a partnership between NPR News Investigations and ProPublica, an investigative journalism organization. You can read or listen to more of the report on NPR’s site. You can also read more from ProPublica: How the Red Cross Raised Half a Billion Dollars for Haiti and Built …

Haitian Money Pit
After the earthquake in 2010 nearly $10 billion dollars of foreign aid was pledged to rebuild Haiti. Vikram Gandhi went to see just how that money is being put to use. This is his debrief from Season 3, Episode 7 of VICE on HBO. It’s shocking and disappointing to see how little progress the average …

“I’d Rather Have HIV Than A Broken Leg”
The video below was filmed at an independently organized TEDx event and features Edward O’Bryan, an emergency room physician from South Carolina and cofounder of the Palmetto Medical Initiative. His monologue serves as a poignant reminder that trauma, particularly the musculoskeletal variety, remains a neglected epidemic in developing countries, causing more than five million deaths each year, …

Tales Of Loss And Survival
Click here to get a brief view of the staggering human toll in Nepal, and just like many of the souls in Haiti after their earthquake tragedy, you will get a glimpse of the resiliency of those who survived. Scheer Memorial Hospital continues to treat victims of both the April 25 and May 12 earthquakes that crippled …

Walk through Bhaktapur, Nepal
Part 4 of our May, 2015 Loma Linda University Health Orthopedic Team visit to Nepal. On Saturday evening we had the opportunity to take a walk through Bhaktapur, a town just a few miles from our home base in Banepa. Up until the earthquake 2 weeks ago, Bhaktapur had the best preserved palace courtyards and …

The Importance of HAH
The following post was written by Scott Nelson who returned last Friday from another visit to Hopital Adventiste d’Haiti. This is Part 3 of the March, 2015 Trip Report Series. A few blocks away from the Basilique Notre-Dame (still in ruins noted in image above) is a local hospital for which I will keep the …

Restavek Freedom
A few weeks ago Elaine Lewis met a man who brought in a patient who needed surgical care to Hopital Adventiste d’Haiti. As it turns out the gentleman is the coordinator for the Restavek Freedom ministry in Haiti. Restavek (restavec in French) is the name for child slaves in Haiti. Children who are desperately poor …

NBC Interviews Nelson
Earlier this month, Dr. Nancy Snyderman, Chief Medical Editor for NBC Nightly News, returned to Port au Prince and visited Hopital Adventiste d’Haiti and interviewed Scott Nelson, MD. The piece aired on Sunday evening, January 11 and can be viewed below or directly on the NBC website.
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