Tag: Updates

What’s Happening at HAH?

I would like to give you a brief update on what is going on at Hôpital Adventiste d’Haiti (HAH).  Because of your support and generosity, we are on schedule to accomplish unprecedented goals this year.  There are dedicated people from Haiti and the United States working at HAH, creating an exciting synergy that is unique …

First Cases In New OR!

The following post was written by Dr. Alex Coutsoumpos (far right in banner image above), a newly graduated general surgeon who, along with his family, has made a several year commitment to Hopital Adventiste d’Haiti.  After months of anticipation, the big day has finally arrived and the first surgical case was successfully performed in the newly renovated operating theater. …

Almost Ready!

Received a note today from Hopital Adventiste Project Manager Dan Brown stating, “If all goes well we will be moving in on Tuesday, Sept. 29th!”  He was referencing, of course, the long-awaited renovation to the new operating theater.  To all past and future volunteers and staff, this is great news indeed.  The banner image above …

Update On Current Projects

The following is Part 5 of the March, 2015 Trip Report Series written by Scott Nelson. Although our previous operating room was recently reported to me as being one of the best in Haiti, in reality it was not adequate for doing the quality and volume of work that we envision.  A major renovation was …

New Website

Many of you have undoubtedly noted that haitibones has been revitalized with a new website.  There were many factors that went into the decision to switch platforms but hopefully the change will ultimately be positive.  The conversion was arduous and time consuming but I wanted to give a shoutout to Lynn Delinger at Pyralis Design …