The following is the seventh and final installment of Scott Nelson’s March, 2015 Trip Report Series.
The accomplishments and plans mentioned in the previous posts do not happen without the support of our generous donors. I would like to thank those who have contributed in a special way and remind you that your investment is making a difference for the people of Haiti. It is being used in a judicious and efficient fashion to rejuvenate the hospital physical plant in order to more adequately reflect the quality of medical work and the healing ministry of Jesus Christ that we represent. The permanence of physical plant restoration is satisfying but even more substantial is the lasting effects of the operations we perform on the lives of our patients. The physical burdens lifted by the operations we perform often make a lifetime of difference and even affect subsequent generations. In the cosmic scheme of life you could argue that these acts of kindness last forever, going well beyond the short span of our lives on this planet. We are especially grateful to the Foundation for Orthopaedic Trauma for their support of this trip and the operations that were made possible. Continued support is needed and again past support is appreciated.
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I, too, am grateful for our generous donors and what their gifts allow us to do at HAH. I see the before and after results of their gifts and it is no less than astounding. Thank you!