What is Happening at HAH?

It is no small miracle that Hôpital Adventiste is still functioning given the conflict and challenges around us. Marni and I returned to California in late February for an orthopedic meeting and some work at Loma Linda University. We were planning to return in the beginning of March. Our flights were cancelled the day before our planned return when gangs broke through the walls surrounding the international airport and put shot bullets through planes that were parked on the tarmac.

Happy nurses day May 12, 2024

Christian chief nurse of operating room with a patient

At the same time a jailbreak at the national penitentiary just three miles from our hospital liberated more than 4000 criminals. Since then the airport has been closed, land borders are closed and there have been little means for anyone to come or go. At this time there are no foreign workers at our hospital, but the Haitian staff and leadership are persevering and doing a phenomenal job. We remain in close contact with them and are supporting them in various ways. Patients are coming to the hospital, operations are being performed, electricity and oxygen are being produced on site, and our staff are getting paid.


Without the infrastructure that we all worked together to create over the last few years our hospital would almost certainly be closed. Many other hospitals around us have not survived, including the general hospital downtown where the gangs have set up a command center.

Knock knee before surgery

Patient after femoral and tibial osteotomy






Dr. Jacky doing an incredible job running the orthopedic service with the help of two residents

The main road between our hospital and the center of the city (only 4 miles away) has been under gang control for several years.  This has been a huge inconvenience that has forced us to use a rough mountain road to get supplies, transfer patients, or access the airport. This isolates us from our patient base in the city but also allows us to serve a large portion of the patients in the southern part of the country who cannot reach other facilities downtown. In November 2023 the gangs franchised their stranglehold and took control of the road on the other side of us. Although this has impacted our patient volume many are still coming to us.  Recently we received a patient with a hip fracture that was brought by family members who put her in a wheelbarrow and pushed her for a couple of hours through the area where the gangs were not allowing cars to pass.


OR staff taking care of patients

The causes of the problems in Haiti are complex and confusing.  And the solutions are equally unclear. A new council has been established to lead the country and some foreign intervention is on the horizon but it is unlikely that the recovery process will be quick or painless. There are many good people in Haiti who are trying to raise families, send their kids to school, and go to work. Their plight has become increasingly difficult. And when injury or illness occurs there are very few options. We continue our commitment to the many people in Haiti who are struggling to survive and we appreciate all the support that is making this possible.

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3 Comments on “What is Happening at HAH?

  1. The results of the planning to allow the hospital to maintain itself are amazing. Are your methods being documented & passed on to other hospitals?
    I think of you often.

  2. The updates on the hospital show the fruits of your work to create a stable, self sustaining hospital.
    Are your methods being documented for other countries?
    Hopefully your time in the US will help create more opportunities to help Haiti.

  3. We will continue to pray for HAH and for the suffering people of Haiti. Thank you for your good and gracious work. Keep hope alive.