Part 5 of our May, 2015 Loma Linda University Health Orthopedic Team visit to Nepal. Some readers may find it unusual that we are posting trip reports from Nepal on a website devoted to a project in Haiti. However the precipitating circumstances (major earthquakes) are similar and currently a team that frequents Hopital Adventiste d’Haiti are working at Scheer Memorial Hospital (SMH) in Banepa, Nepal. (This and subsequent reports from Nepal will be posted in a straggled fashion due to inconsistent internet access).
Due to postquake patient flow, a nearby hospital received more trauma victims than SMH did. After finishing our cases last Friday we headed a few kilometers east on the road to China to Dhulikhel Hospital to determine if our team could be of assistance.

For the remainder of our time spent in Nepal, we elected to spread out our team between SMH and DH which proved to be a very rewarding option for both facilities. Here Dr Phil is working with Dr Pilli at SMH.
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